Monday, March 4, 2013

What We Did Today

It's all fun and games when I can sit down at the computer, after a shower, with a cup of tea and tell about it.

We added more raised beds today.

It was an exhausting day, but in the, it-feels-good-to-move-around, instead of sit-in-the-chair-all-day and stare at the computer, way. It's that good old-fashioned tired. You know the kind.

I smiled at the radishes poking up. They are so quick to grow.

Getting back into the groove of farming, (growing our own food, in addition to growing for market) is not a gradual step. I've primarily been in an office, in meetings, and organizing events, workshops and such for the last  year.

After three (or 15) days of convincing Captain Strong Arms that my spinach would come up - it finally began to come up. Phew!

 It's the softness of winter that gets me. It'll be a good while before I build up the strength and endurance I had and it won't come easy. And then, it will be the heat of summer that gets me. Oh for the love of farming.

Back to the Farmers' Market in just 6 weeks and three days.

I am looking forward to getting back the the farmers market - there's a reward in that unique to anything else one will ever do. Tomorrow? Meeting in the morning, meeting in the afternoon and meeting in the evening. Farming will have to resume on Wednesday, for me, thank goodness Captain Strong Arms takes good care of the farm when I'm home and when I'm not home.


Jenny said...

Your raised beds are beautiful. I hear ya about the spinach. :/ It seems to take forever. One thing I did: I overwintered it. Then when I didn't *want* it to sprout, they all came up. Many blessings for a bountiful harvest. :D

wtf-ery said...

Thanks, Jenny, I'm so grateful - they make gardening and farming so much easier! I'm going to try overwintering this next year; my Swiss chard, kale, onions, parsley, and celery all did well.

The same blessings to you, as well!

wtf-ery said...

p.s. until Captain Strong Arms let Hattie out - she ate all of them.